Scout and Snow

Scout and Snow were bred back in May, 2019. If she conceived, babies will be born around mid July, and the puppies will be ready to go to their new homes in the beginning of September – 8 weeks after their birthday.

Snow’s parents are Liberty Run’s Patton and Josie. Patton sired many litters over the years (all very healthy), and Josie has several greats from Liberty Run in her blood, among them Samson, Harley, and Kimber.

Scout has a tremendous track record of producing very traditional-looking and healthy Goldens. More importantly, his babies are easy to train.  The babies from this litter will make exceptionally happy and healthy companions.

Scout Snow
image coming soon.
OFA (hips and elbows), CERF, and SAS clear.
Temperament: A+++
Scout is an ideal male Golden Retriever. He’s calm, intelligent, healthy, and very devoted to his mama (Suzanne).
OFA (hips and elbows), CERF, and SAS clear.
Temperament: A+++
Snow is a very affectionate Golden who loves people. She has terrific drive and is eager to please, which means her babies will be easy to train.
Scout’s Parents Snow’s Parents
Dexter Shelby Patton Josie
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