Juliet’s Litter

6 boys and 5 girls in a previous litter. They had just been born when this picture was taken.

September 11, 2024: My Lady Juliet of Liberty Run gave birth to five baby boys and four baby girls. They will be ready to leave our farm and go to their new homes on Nov. 6, 2024. (Maryland law says puppies go home at 8 weeks of age.) 

Juliet has a tremendous track record of producing very beautiful, healthy, and calm Goldens. More importantly, they’re easy to train.  The babies from this litter will make exceptionally happy and healthy companions.

Update as of 10/28/2024: All babies in this litter have their forever homes.  

We thank you for your interest in our breeding program.

About the parents:

Apollo Del Sol of Liberty Run My Lady Juliet of Liberty Run
Apollo Del Sol - his babies are blonde, like him. English Cream. OFA, SAS, and CERF cleared.

OFA (hips and elbows), CERF, and SAS clear.
Temperament: A+++
Apollo is an adorable male Golden Retriever. He’s calm, intelligent, healthy, and very devoted to his family.  Loves kids.

OFA (hips and elbows), CERF, and SAS clear.
Temperament: A+++
Juliet is an incredibly sweet and intelligent Golden. She’s a terrific mom and calm in all weather. Joyful. Content. Smart. Knows how to unlock doors. Especially loves children.





Princess Peach’s Litter

Peach’s babies: 6 boys and 5 girls. Picture was taken just after they were born.

UPDATE July 20, 2024: All babies in this litter are reserved.  Liberty Run’s Princess Peach (Peaches) gave birth to six baby boys and five baby girls on May 30th, 2024. They will be ready to leave our farm and go to their new homes on July 25th, 2024. (Maryland law says puppies go home at 8 weeks of age.) 

Father of the litter has a tremendous track record of producing very beautiful, healthy, and calm Goldens. More importantly, they’re easy to train.  The babies from this litter will make exceptionally happy and healthy companions.

This is a repeat breeding! Older siblings are 3 years of age. They’re phenomenal, calm, healthy, and intelligent Goldens.

Peach’s Liberty Run puppy cam is offline now that the babies have been moved outside.  They’ve outgrown their whelping box. 

About mom, Liberty Run’s Princess Peach:

OFA (hips and elbows), CERF, and SAS clear.
Temperament: A+++
Peaches is an exceptional Golden and a terrific mom. She’s calm. Very devoted to her family. Loves to smile. Happy. Smart enough to understand English. Obedient at all times.  Like all Libertyrun Goldens, she loves kids.


Check out what families who have our puppies say – they post lots of updates on the Liberty Run Family Group PageClick this link to view the FB Group page.  Anyone who clicks the link can VIEW the page.  There is an option to “join,” but that is reserved for families who have a Liberty Run puppy. 

Sorry! We Don’t Keep A Waiting List

Liberty Run's April and her babies.

Liberty Run’s April and her babies.

We do not take deposits before the puppies are born here at Liberty Run.  Why? Because we are not anxious to take your money, and we don’t know how to reserve something that doesn’t exist (yet).

If you’re interested in an upcoming litter, text for an update. We are much better at answering texts between 10:00am and 8:00p.m. (Eastern or “New York” time) than any other time of day.


Kairos (Jasmine/Scout 3-18-14). Pictures courtesy of Kristen. Thanks for sharing, Kristen!  We love these pictures.

Info about future litters, like anticipated due dates, is posted on our Upcoming Litters page.

Once puppies arrive, reservations are accepted on a “first-come, first-served” basis and are secured by your non-refundable deposit. We generally begin accepting deposits 48 hours after puppies are born.  If you’ve been calling, we’ll know, and you’ll be able to reserve a “high” pick, like first pick male or female.  We follow this process to help you get the exact puppy you’re looking for.

We’ve been doing it this way for nearly 30 years, and it’s worked every time.

About four days after puppies are born, we announce the litter on our Current Litter Page.

We do not accept more deposits than there are puppies.

When you leave a deposit, you’re encouraged to visit as often as you like (please call us to schedule your visit-time). By visiting, you’ll get to know each of the babies in the litter.

This is the Liberty Run Waiting List Policy.  Thank you for reviewing it.

House-Breaking Your Golden Retriever Puppy


Simba of Liberty Run. Thanks, Rob for sharing the picture! Those puppy-dog eyes are too cute!

We begin the process of House-Breaking Your Golden Retriever Puppy for you. As a result, most families report their new puppies are house broken in less than three days. Because our puppies never had the opportunity to make a “mistake” indoors, it’s very easy for you to take one of our puppies home and house-break him (or her!).

When you visit, we’ll show you how we do it.

Some breeders tout their puppies are “raised in their loving home”. If you think about it, their puppies poopie and peepee in their houses whenever they feel the urge to “go”.  By the time you get one, it’s already conditioned to going potty inside a house.  Unfortunately, “house-breaking” is teaching a puppy how to “hold it”  indoors. Good luck teaching a puppy who is already conditioned to go at-will inside how to “hold it” in your home. You’re going to spend most of your time un-doing all the harm caused by the conditioning already imprinted on their puppies.  Not to mention the puppy’s a little mad at you ’cause you’re not letting it do its business when and where it wants to.

A popular question we get is, “plastic or wire crates?”  Liberty Run recommends plastic kennels because they’re very easy to clean.  If you must go the wire route, we recommend putting a blanket over it.

From time-to-time we do have Golden Retriever Puppies for sale.  When you purchase a puppy from us, we review the house-breaking process and provide written instructions detailing what to do at home.  Plus we’re available as a resource the entire life of your puppy.

Upcoming Golden Retriever Puppies

agroup-golden-retriever-parentsOne of the most frequently asked question is, “when is your next litter?” Great question! Unfortunately it’s very difficult to answer. Why? Read the Did You Know? section just below.

Sorry, we don’t keep a waiting list, send emails, or make calls when babies arrive. We notify you through this website and our Facebook page (facebook.com/libertyrun). If you’re interested in our upcoming litter (and we greatly appreciate your interest!), please text for the latest news (410-549-2911), or check back here (or Facebook) for the latest info. As soon as we know something, we post it.

Did you know?

A female golden usually comes into “season” once, maybe twice, a year. Unfortunately, there’s no telling when it’s going to happen, and that makes it difficult for us to know when we’ll have puppies in the near future.

The gestation period for doggies is only 61 to 63 days. (It’s so fast, puppies are born before they’re fully developed. Their eyes and ears aren’t open at birth – they’re still developing outside the womb. Pups are, however, born with a fully functioning sense of smell. Pretty cool.)  If one of our mommas has been bred, we generally know when to expect new puppies – 61 days from the day the breeding took place.

Simba - a Golden Retriever Puppy from Liberty RunEvery now and then someone will write us asking something like, “are you planning a litter a year from now?” Good question! Unfortunately we can’t answer it because there’s no knowing when in the future one of our breeding moms will come into season. The best we can tell you is whether or not one of our females has come into season, or whether one has been bred.

Sometimes a female can be bred, become very large by day 61 (as if she really is pregnant), and then no babies come out. This scenario is known as a false pregnancy, and it happens more than you’d want to know. Because it can happen, we DON’T reserve puppies until they’re born. We don’t know how to reserve something that doesn’t exist, and we’re not anxious to take your money.

After we post here that a female has been bred, a popular question we receive is “do you know if she’s pregnant?” It’s a great question but one that’s difficult for us to answer because of false pregnancies. Here’s how we know our moms are pregnant: babies are born about 61 to 63 days after the breeding.  There is a pregnancy pee-test for doggies, but we don’t think it’s worth it, especially since nobody here’s thrilled about holding a pee-stick under a urinating Golden Retriever. Not to mention, it costs $500.00. The way we see it is we can wait the 61 days.

Some may tell you breeders can take a pregnant momma-doggy to the vet’s office for an x-ray. Although it is true, we believe it’s a bad idea. We believe x-rays are harmful to the babies that may be inside the momma dog, and we don’t think it’s wise to expose the momma doggy (and possible babies inside her) to potential viruses floating around the vet’s office. Lastly, pregnant mommas hate being moved – they just wanna stay put.

We sincerely thank you for your interest in our breeding program.  If you have any questions, please ask. It’s always nice to hear from you.

Check out what families who have our puppies say – they post lots of updates on the Liberty Run Family Group PageClick this link to view the FB Group page.  Anyone who clicks the link can VIEW the page.  There is an option to “join,” but that is reserved for families who have a Liberty Run puppy. 



Finn and Juliet’s Litter

6 boys and 5 girls in a previous litter. They had just been born when this picture was taken.

November 18, 2020: My Lady Juliet of Liberty Run gave birth to five baby boys and five baby girls. They will be ready to leave our farm and go to their new homes on Jan 14, 2021. (Maryland law says puppies go home at 8 weeks of age.) All babies in this litter are reserved. Sorry – at this time we don’t have any babies available.

Finn has a tremendous track record of producing very beautiful, healthy, and calm Goldens. More importantly, they’re easy to train.  The babies from this litter will make exceptionally happy and healthy companions.

December 22: Pups have been moved, and we’re starting them on crate training, so the Liberty Run puppy cam is now offline.      

About the parents:

Sir Finnegan of Hamilton Harbour My Lady Juliet of Liberty Run

OFA (hips and elbows), CERF, and SAS clear.
Temperament: A+++
Finn is a tremendous male Golden Retriever. He’s calm, intelligent, healthy, and very devoted to his family. He produces fantastic babies.

OFA (hips and elbows), CERF, and SAS clear.
Temperament: A+++
Juliet is an incredibly sweet and intelligent Golden. She’s a terrific mom and calm in all weather. Joyful. Content. Smart. Knows how to unlock doors. Especially loves children.





Finn and Juliet’s Litter

6 boys and 5 girls in a previous litter. They had just been born when this picture was taken.

UPDATE March 30, 2020: Our Golden Retriever babies born in this litter have found forever homes. 

UPDATE March 20, 2019: My Lady Juliet of Liberty Run gave birth to seven baby boys and one baby girl on March 12, 2020. They will be ready to leave our farm and go to their new homes on May 7, 2020. (Maryland law says puppies go home at 8 weeks of age.)

Finn has a tremendous track record of producing very beautiful, healthy, and calm Goldens. More importantly, they’re easy to train.  The babies from this litter will make exceptionally happy and healthy companions.

Juliet’s Liberty Run puppy cam is off-line. Puppies have been started on “house-breaking” and are now out of view of the puppy-cam.     

About the parents:

Sir Finnegan of Hamilton Harbour My Lady Juliet of Liberty Run

OFA (hips and elbows), CERF, and SAS clear.
Temperament: A+++
Finn is a tremendous male Golden Retriever. He’s calm, intelligent, healthy, and very devoted to his family. He produces fantastic babies.

OFA (hips and elbows), CERF, and SAS clear.
Temperament: A+++
Juliet is an incredibly sweet and intelligent Golden. She’s a terrific mom and calm in all weather. Joyful. Content. Smart. Knows how to unlock doors. Especially loves children.





Finn and Freya’s Litter

Freya’s babies. 4 boys and 5 girls. Picture was taken just after they were born.

UPDATE February 5, 2020: Our Golden Retriever babies born in this litter have found forever homes.

UPDATE December 12, 2019: Liberty Run’s Precious Freya gave birth to four baby boys and five baby girls on December 11th, 2019. They will be ready to leave our farm and go to their new homes on February 5th, 2020. (Maryland law says puppies go home at 8 weeks of age.)

Finn has a tremendous track record of producing very beautiful, healthy, and calm Goldens. More importantly, they’re easy to train.  The babies from this litter will make exceptionally happy and healthy companions.

Freya’s Liberty Run puppy cam is off!  Puppies have been started on “house-breaking” and are now out of view of the puppy-cam. 

About the parents:

Sir Finnegan of Hamilton Harbour Liberty Run’s Precious Freya 

OFA (hips and elbows), CERF, and SAS clear.
Temperament: A+++
Finn is a tremendous male Golden Retriever. He’s calm, intelligent, healthy, and very devoted to his family. He produces fantastic babies.

OFA (hips and elbows), CERF, and SAS clear.
Temperament: A+++
Freya is an exceptional Golden and a terrific mom. She’s calm. Very devoted to her family. Happy. Smart enough to understand English. Obedient at all times.  Like all Libertyrun Goldens, she loves kids.





Finn and Ginger’s Litter

6 boys and 5 girls in Ginger’s litter. They had just been born when this picture was taken.

UPDATE February 5, 2020: Our Golden Retriever babies born in this litter have found forever homes.

UPDATE December 12, 2019: Liberty Run’s Ginger Snap gave birth to six baby boys and five baby girls on December 8, 2019. They will be ready to leave our farm and go to their new homes on February 2nd, 2020. (Maryland law says puppies go home at 8 weeks of age.)

Finn has a tremendous track record of producing very beautiful, healthy, and calm Goldens. More importantly, they’re easy to train.  The babies from this litter will make exceptionally happy and healthy companions.

Ginger’s Liberty Run’s puppy cam is off!  Puppies have been started on “house-breaking” and are now out of view of the puppy-cam.    

About the parents:

Sir Finnegan of Hamilton Harbour Liberty Run’s Ginger Snap

OFA (hips and elbows), CERF, and SAS clear.
Temperament: A+++
Finn is a tremendous male Golden Retriever. He’s calm, intelligent, healthy, and very devoted to his family. He produces fantastic babies.

OFA (hips and elbows), CERF, and SAS clear.
Temperament: A+++
Ginger is a terrific mom and an ideal Golden. She’s calm in all weather. Joyful. Content. Smart. Especially loves children.





Scout and Snow

Scout and Snow were bred back in May, 2019. If she conceived, babies will be born around mid July, and the puppies will be ready to go to their new homes in the beginning of September – 8 weeks after their birthday.

Snow’s parents are Liberty Run’s Patton and Josie. Patton sired many litters over the years (all very healthy), and Josie has several greats from Liberty Run in her blood, among them Samson, Harley, and Kimber.

Scout has a tremendous track record of producing very traditional-looking and healthy Goldens. More importantly, his babies are easy to train.  The babies from this litter will make exceptionally happy and healthy companions.

Scout Snow
image coming soon.
OFA (hips and elbows), CERF, and SAS clear.
Temperament: A+++
Scout is an ideal male Golden Retriever. He’s calm, intelligent, healthy, and very devoted to his mama (Suzanne).
OFA (hips and elbows), CERF, and SAS clear.
Temperament: A+++
Snow is a very affectionate Golden who loves people. She has terrific drive and is eager to please, which means her babies will be easy to train.
Scout’s Parents Snow’s Parents
Dexter Shelby Patton Josie